Sunday, May 20, 2007

3D i Media

This post it not about publicity or advertising for anyone or anything
It’s about something got my attention for the whole day few days ago, and it’s very rare to happen ;)

While I was coming to work I found at the reception a magazine called T3 MIDDLE EAST it’s a gadget magazine with all the electronic thingy going on in it
The new thing was a new print with it called (3D i Media) which is a trademark of Mission 3-D Publishing Ltd.
Simply it was a 3D advertising magazine!!! And you can realize the 3rd dimension by using special glasses (Photo 3-D Paper Glasses).
I saw this technology last year in IMAX when I saw Superman Returns and I was fascinated by it (the 3D thing not the movie cuz it sucked!!!)

I’ll share some of the information I read in the magazine about how those ppl get here and about their techniques, hope they are ok with this otherwise I’m in deep @#$! ;p

The marketing concept is focusing on the idea of any magazine subject featured in 3D or any brand advertised in 3D will have a considerably more powerful impact than a 2D version (like in the adds we sea everywhere).
Critics are comparing this to the times when the first colored TV came out!!!
Now after 5 years of research, development and over 2 million $ invested; Mission3-D Publishing Ltd. Announced the introduction of a new, exciting communications medium that is set to increase the effectiveness of advertising in print by as much as 75 times!!!
And that all based on scientifically proven theories, also they have concluded that a photo 3-D ad visual was eight times more memorable than a normal 2 dimensional visual,
This means that photo3-D viewing is active and experiential when compared to its static 2 dimensional counterparts.

One of the questions that been asked about this new technology was "are people willing to put on Photo3-D glasses?" _Since the glasses provide amazing advantages with less coast to enjoy this view _

- well studies has shown the people have little problem wearing photo3-D glasses with 100% of children, young adult, and senior citizens willing to do so. A less than 30% resistance exists among those between 40-50.

I could go on and on about this amazing new technology and how revolutionary it is
at least as I see it!!
And for those who didn’t understand anything of what I was talking about (cuz I didn’t myself ;p) they can just go and check

p.s. again almost all the information in here was taken from the magazine it self.


KJ said...

It is an interesting concept but I don't really believe that it will have such an impact as they claim.

For one, anything novel will be immediately remembered by most people. Because the ads are in 3D, they will be remembered. But when 3D is the norm, it won't have an impact.

This is why big ad agencies like TBWA and BBDO are pouring a lot of effort into making distinguished ads that are always memorable. The 3D ads will be a great in their debut, but then they will be too cumbersome and, if they are continued, they will be the norm and not as fascinating.

As always, the first one to use such an ad will get the attention and the rest will be labeled rip offs.

LOST in Dubai said...

- kj:
sorry for the late reply..
what ur saying is right, but the concept of the 3D used in add is still brand new, so i think it needs sometime time till to make it impact on ppl..
also any new thing or trend will have its huge impact, then it will cool down, but that's not a good reason not to try it
talking for my own opinion it will be lame to use this in every single ad, cuz ppl won't have the time to use those "special glasses" all the time, but who knows what will happen next

Sabsoub said...

أنا من النوع اللي بتأثر كتير بالإعلانات و ممكن أي إعلان مميز ببعض الألوان و الصور و الوجوه الجميلة أن يقنعني بشراء المنتج .. كيف إذا كان الإعلان ثلاثي الأبعاد .. يعني شي كأنو حقيقي و موجود و ما بيبقى غير أنك تمد إيدك و تلمسو .. بعتقد أنو الإختراع الجديد رح يحقق ثورة كبيرة و يزيد مبيعات المنتجات اللي بتنعمل دعايتها بهالطريقة..ع القليلة أول فترة ..تصفحت الموقع و عجبتني الفكرة كتير .. بكرة بنصير بنسافر ع القمر بالقطار :-)) شكراً ع الموضوع القيم .. خبرتنا معلومة جديدة اليوم

LOST in Dubai said...

- sabsouba:
thx for the nice comment,
and who knows, ppl allready asking to be burried in the space (like mickael jakson)!!!