Sunday, May 20, 2007

3D i Media

This post it not about publicity or advertising for anyone or anything
It’s about something got my attention for the whole day few days ago, and it’s very rare to happen ;)

While I was coming to work I found at the reception a magazine called T3 MIDDLE EAST it’s a gadget magazine with all the electronic thingy going on in it
The new thing was a new print with it called (3D i Media) which is a trademark of Mission 3-D Publishing Ltd.
Simply it was a 3D advertising magazine!!! And you can realize the 3rd dimension by using special glasses (Photo 3-D Paper Glasses).
I saw this technology last year in IMAX when I saw Superman Returns and I was fascinated by it (the 3D thing not the movie cuz it sucked!!!)

I’ll share some of the information I read in the magazine about how those ppl get here and about their techniques, hope they are ok with this otherwise I’m in deep @#$! ;p

The marketing concept is focusing on the idea of any magazine subject featured in 3D or any brand advertised in 3D will have a considerably more powerful impact than a 2D version (like in the adds we sea everywhere).
Critics are comparing this to the times when the first colored TV came out!!!
Now after 5 years of research, development and over 2 million $ invested; Mission3-D Publishing Ltd. Announced the introduction of a new, exciting communications medium that is set to increase the effectiveness of advertising in print by as much as 75 times!!!
And that all based on scientifically proven theories, also they have concluded that a photo 3-D ad visual was eight times more memorable than a normal 2 dimensional visual,
This means that photo3-D viewing is active and experiential when compared to its static 2 dimensional counterparts.

One of the questions that been asked about this new technology was "are people willing to put on Photo3-D glasses?" _Since the glasses provide amazing advantages with less coast to enjoy this view _

- well studies has shown the people have little problem wearing photo3-D glasses with 100% of children, young adult, and senior citizens willing to do so. A less than 30% resistance exists among those between 40-50.

I could go on and on about this amazing new technology and how revolutionary it is
at least as I see it!!
And for those who didn’t understand anything of what I was talking about (cuz I didn’t myself ;p) they can just go and check

p.s. again almost all the information in here was taken from the magazine it self.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

another day at the White House

I found this in a web site called
The clip is really funny, hope everyone enjoy it ;p

Saturday, May 5, 2007

struggling with diet!!

Hi all
It toke me a while to write this post, I was a little busy lately; with all the birthday planning and everything…
Oops, I forget to tell u, it was my birthday last week so “happy birthday to me from all of u!!” ;p

Now about the weird title “struggling with diet
I wanted to choose the word “weight” instate of “diet” then I thought that it’s a common word
And everybody is struggling with weight.
In my case here the weight wasn’t the problem, I didn’t find it that bad to gain some weight _allot actually ;p_
The problem was with loosing it!!

The story started when I moved to Dubai almost 2 years ago, back then I rarely went out during the week, cuz of the whole busy life thing in Dubai, anyway I started entertaining my self with all kind of food and sweets. The frame “wine testing” somehow turned into “chocolate testing”!!!
Days and months has passed and I was luxuring my self with all kind of food and anything eatable! And these turned out to be my new habit.

Friends and family of course started commenting on the look and how I should watch my self and “you still young and handsome, watch your self and be careful on what your eating!!”
Well who cares?!!! I’m happy, I’m eating my burger and pizza and that’s what important
I’m not gonna turn into my own shrink now but I looked at food as a way to west time, and allot of it actually
By time getting weight started to effect my look and personality as well.
I had to stay hours in front of the mirror to find something that fit, or at least makes me look ok, not to mention the anger that started pupping up in the air.
And that’s lead to more food, telling my self “what the hell, no way I’m gonna loose all that”

(((I received a ring on my birthday about 4 or 5 years ago, and it was in my finger since then. Never tried to remove it and I started to think its part of me)))

I tried to remove that ring, and it stock. I tried Olive oil, soap and every possible way but no luck, my fingers now are too big, and it stocked there
In that day and for the first time since almost 1 year I cried, I felt like a prisoner to this thing (the weight not the ring!!)
It was kind of a wake up call for me
And I answered!!
The next day I went to a gym next to my house and registered. Started a new diet system and a whole new way of living just started
I admit it’s very hard thing to do, especially in the first few day, seeing all the food and chocolate around you and just ignore it; it’s hard, it’s so freaking hard!!!
Later on I started feeling some changes. Not in my body of course cuz at least I need a century to get off all that weight!!! ;) It was more in my inner self
I started to feel better about my self, feel happier, fresher, I had a goal in mind and I wanted to reach
And let’s face it the reason was so simple and honest
Loose my weight is much cheaper than buying a whole bunch of new clothes that fits :)
And that’s what really happened, now I could really c the result, it’s not very clear, but comparing to what I used to be it’s much better, and my old cloths fits again, so all I need is some extra time and some “struggling with diet”.

In the last week I didn’t stick to the rules that much cuz of my birthday thing and I was thinking that I deserve all that pizzas, burgers and ice cream cakes after all what I’ve been through in the last 2 months :p

Anyway starting today I’m back to my diets and workouts, so the struggling….mmmm
You know what?? Struggling is not the right word
I’ll go with the “system”, it looks better ;)
I guess that’s it for this time, wish me luck in this little adventure
And looking for ur review, ideas, and personal experience

BTW I went to Spiderman 3 yesterday and the movie was just AMAZING!!!You can watch the trailer here: