Saturday, March 31, 2007


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

ME ft. SHAKIRA: LIVE on Friday 23rd!!! :-D

hey again
till i post episode 2...from LOST (which i guess nobody's watchin!!!)
I'll leave u with a funny version of Shakira's Clip "Hips don't lie"
Oops.... i forget to tell u...
i'm going to her concert on Friday, March 23rd!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lost... Episode 1

No, I’m not talking about the TV series here; but I got some inspiration _to write those lines_ from it though!
U don’t have to get ur plane crashed on a remote island to be officially LOST!!
Just prepare ur suitcase with some old clothes, get a plane ticket, say goodbye to friends and family _with the promise that u’ll never forget them no matter what_ and simply: LEAVE!!!

Here comes the story of u coming to the UAE; u’ll love the country to be honest, every thing here is nice(except the weather in the summer time for sure), the streets, the towers, the malls, the movie theatres _my personal favorite_, the culture, the all kind of people u'll run into everyday, the new experience u'll gain each simple minute.
But then where that leaves u at the end of the day?

The first few months here; u’ll think like it’s the end of the world for u, “how would I survive?” “Will I find a good job?” “are they gonna think I’m good?” “What my friends back home doing now? Are they missing me?”
Of course days comes by, turning to weeks, which turns to months, then the time comes for ur first flight back home…. “yepoooooooooooo”

but If u ever thought that people where setting back home doing nothing but waiting for u to come back; well let me bring u the news: “NO, THEY R NOT”!!!
Each one has his own life now, u’ll have to face it, everyone has moved on. they'll welcome and great u they first couple of days, or let's give it a week, then....that's it
U’ll cry in the first few days; then…. U’ll move on too
U’ll fix up ur make up _if u r a girl of course_ and move on!!
No time to look back, not time to cry, and "the show must go on"!!!

U’ll keep loving them as always and they will too, but there’s just no time enough to all the drama about “can’t go on with out u” thing…
After a while u’ll reach a point when u’ll have to choose between living ur past or start looking at your future..

Most properly u’ll decide to step ahead leaving ur past behind, or in another word: “not letting it standing in the way”
U’ll start experiencing new things, new idea, new lifestyle, and a new way of seeing people around u and reacting to them.

I think I should stop using the “U” letter now, and start using the “I” one.
But till then I’ll stop for a little time just to add some suspense to the post. ;p
Again there are so many ways to get LOST and here: "I’m talking about mine".

To Be Continued…

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

I WON. I WON!!!!!

I never been friend with luck; or I think it never been friend with me!!
I tried and tried to c what it’s interested in so may I could get its attention….
Well it worked for a few times!!
Back when I was a kid I won 5 Syrian pounds (less than half dhs) in (Al Helween – or the good-looking ones {in English}) biscuits!!! That was during my childhood years.
When I came to UAE in 2003; and during the first month I really had nothing to do but watching movies & TV shows, one day I participated in TV show called Cinemania; and surprisingly I won!
I guess this should be good luck right???
Well the week before I participated the winner had a (Gladiator) (Minority Report) DVDs, and 2 tickets to a movie premiere, at my turn I won a Hallmark movie _for kids_ called (Jack and the Beanstalk: The Real Story)!!! I didn’t watch it tell now and I don’t think that I’m going to…
After 6 months I entered another competition and won; back then I was in Abu Dhabi – UAE. And the price was 2 ticket to a movie premiere called (Elektra) in Dubai;
The movie sucked I know, but its fine to win things, plus i LOVEE Jennifer Garner
But the smart people at the competition company _who ever it was_ called me 2 hours before the movie starts, I was in Abu Dhabi (at work), the premier was in Dubai; and I need minimum 2 hours to get there. So I just apologized and thanked them for considering me…blah blah.
Later on I kept participating and entering competition here and there; but my luck decided to turn his back to me. Well I didn’t expect much to be honest, or I just wanted the big thing (a million $ would be fine I guess)
Any way just 2 days ago someone from Grand cinema (a film distributor in Dubai) called me and tolled me that I won the (Dream Girls) competition
I was like ‘WAAAAAAAAAW”, the lady on the phone laughed and said “sir, u can come and collect your price anytime between 10am – 12 midnight”
And so I did yesterday…. I went there and toke the price, and here the list of what I’ve won:
· Dream Girls Novel.
· Beyonce new album.
· A woman T Shirt and purse!!!
Ok… I know
What the hell should I do with a woman T shirt and a purse?!!!
The T shirt has those little fake diamonds all over it and the purse is all silver!!
I imagined my self wearing them!!! Or let’s say….I just need to find my self a girlfriend and give her those things….I should be happy, right? I won after all…:)

Sunday, March 4, 2007

a new HABIT...

Hey Again...
i just wanted to say it again... I've started a new habit lately, which is taking photos and editing them
I'm not sure of the result yet or will i continue or not.... i think I'm just gonna wait and c how people will respond to this new thing
hope u all go and check this link: ""
I'm looking for ur reviews, but be easy on me ;)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Where do we go from here?

Hey everyone…
This is me…again!!!
Long time? Well I guess I’m kind of slow ;)
Anyway….take a look at the attached image; for sure the design wasn’t suppose to end up like this; I started creating it with the concept of “A New Chapter” , then after 3 hours of working, my PC went crazy and I had to restart!! Oh... btw I didn’t save any of my work!!
I guess I was so crazy about the design that I forgot that the pc is a machine after all; I think it wasn’t so excited about what I was doing!! L
After I cried a river over it, I moved on and started creating the new one, but now a new image started popping up in my head
I know that everyone wants a new start… but what next?!
U go to bed every night reliving what happened during the day, some r happy of what they did, and some r not.
For those who didn’t like it, didn’t feel it, and doesn’t wanna live it again…
U look in the mirror and think: “today was bad! I was bad! This should be the end, and tmrw is a new beginning!!”
This is the right thing to do, _I guess_ but what next?
Is tmrw really gonna be a new day? Will u feel better? Is it really a new beginning? Or is it just a new chapter of the very huge play which we’re all part of.
I wish I knew the answer….

The design is not my best but I hope u feel what I meant by it.

Btw I started posting some photos online lately, it’s a really new thing for me _just like blogging_ here’s the link, hope u check it out and enjoy the experience: