Saturday, March 17, 2007

Lost... Episode 1

No, I’m not talking about the TV series here; but I got some inspiration _to write those lines_ from it though!
U don’t have to get ur plane crashed on a remote island to be officially LOST!!
Just prepare ur suitcase with some old clothes, get a plane ticket, say goodbye to friends and family _with the promise that u’ll never forget them no matter what_ and simply: LEAVE!!!

Here comes the story of u coming to the UAE; u’ll love the country to be honest, every thing here is nice(except the weather in the summer time for sure), the streets, the towers, the malls, the movie theatres _my personal favorite_, the culture, the all kind of people u'll run into everyday, the new experience u'll gain each simple minute.
But then where that leaves u at the end of the day?

The first few months here; u’ll think like it’s the end of the world for u, “how would I survive?” “Will I find a good job?” “are they gonna think I’m good?” “What my friends back home doing now? Are they missing me?”
Of course days comes by, turning to weeks, which turns to months, then the time comes for ur first flight back home…. “yepoooooooooooo”

but If u ever thought that people where setting back home doing nothing but waiting for u to come back; well let me bring u the news: “NO, THEY R NOT”!!!
Each one has his own life now, u’ll have to face it, everyone has moved on. they'll welcome and great u they first couple of days, or let's give it a week, then....that's it
U’ll cry in the first few days; then…. U’ll move on too
U’ll fix up ur make up _if u r a girl of course_ and move on!!
No time to look back, not time to cry, and "the show must go on"!!!

U’ll keep loving them as always and they will too, but there’s just no time enough to all the drama about “can’t go on with out u” thing…
After a while u’ll reach a point when u’ll have to choose between living ur past or start looking at your future..

Most properly u’ll decide to step ahead leaving ur past behind, or in another word: “not letting it standing in the way”
U’ll start experiencing new things, new idea, new lifestyle, and a new way of seeing people around u and reacting to them.

I think I should stop using the “U” letter now, and start using the “I” one.
But till then I’ll stop for a little time just to add some suspense to the post. ;p
Again there are so many ways to get LOST and here: "I’m talking about mine".

To Be Continued…


LORD.M.M said...

tell me about it !!

you'll lost the first time in Dubai

you'll lost in your emotions ..

all of what you said is truth ..

dont be late with the second part ..

slamat ..

LOST in Dubai said...

thx Lord for ur comment...
yes what i said was the truth,
i was trying to put this things out long time ago but never had the chance.
and i won't be late with second part inshallah,just wait and c :P

GraY FoX said...

keep it rolling ;)
waiting for ep 2 :)

LOST in Dubai said...

finally...another comment
thx gray fox
and the second episode is coming soon, very soon ;)